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Workshop - Newport Beach 1980- Page 4 of 8


contribution to life.  Now where do I stand from there?  Do I have a whole bunch of shoulds and ought tos and have tos and must nots to live up to or is that enough? 

(Sounds right to me.)

But you see, an awful lot of people are inhibited from doing a lot of things that they want to do, huh - - because somebody told them it was wrong; and I haven't found hardly anything in this world that somebody has not said was wrong, harmful or somethin' else. 

Have you ever eat or drink anything that somebody hasn't said it is carcinogenetic, huh, or depleting to the body.  Now if you drink water that runs in the ordinary taps, that's gonna be carcinogenic probably.  Now if you drink distilled water, you're gonna deplete your body of minerals, huh?  And you could go on and on with everything under the sun.  Now you know they deny the fact that the human body is highly adaptable - - it adapts - - it adapts to all sorts of things; but if you deny that, then you're saying that about everything you touch, taste, smell, or eat is in some way harmful, is that correct?  And if you’ll notice, they don't agree on what it is. 

This guy says this substance is harmful.  This guy says bacon will do you in; and this guy over here says steaks will do you in - - especially if you cook them on the char broiler; and another one says that any kind of red meat'll do you in.  Another one says that any meat'll do you in.  Somebody says vegetables is full of oxalic acid and they're gonna do all sorts of horrible things to you.  So what is there left?  I don't think I can see any difference in it because this body's pretty adaptable if I don't demand too much adaptation from it at one moment, so I'm gonna do what I want to do, ok? 

(I have to say something about that first statement.  If I do what is as little as possible to disturb my inner state....)


(I'm not gonna do some things that might be really neat like........)


(All right, if I had done what produced ........)

....the least non-disturbance...

(...least non-disturbance to me, I wouldn't be here because..........)


(....I was very disturbed about flying out here...)

What? By riding in an airplane?

(Yes, and for several days before I was very disturbed.)

Well, we said as little as possible.

(So in order to do what I wanted to do...)

You agreed to a little disturbance, and after you flew the plane; and it didn't hit the ground until it got here, you probably will be a little less shook up for flying the next time. 

(Yes, I really enjoyed it.)

Yeah, once you got over the old not i's telling you, you know, one of those three heads told you not to get on the plane and all this terrible stuff, remember?


The one head wanted to come, the other head didn't want to come; and the one in the middle just finally said, "I'll leave it up to Charles."  Right?  (Laughter)

(I could still say no, and I thought that.........)

So we still have the spinal cord with three heads hooked to it, ok?  Now there's nothin' wrong with that, but this head wanted to come out here; and this head said, "Those damn airplanes don't have nothin' to hold them up there with." 

(Right, they definitely can't put all that metal and all that weight up in the sky.)

You just can't put that much weight up there and hope for it not to fall.  So this one hollered about it, but you came on anyway, huh?  'Cause somebody else prevailed upon you to do it, obviously.  So then this head finally said, "We'll go." 

(That’s not quite right.)

Charles told her.

(Charles said it's basic stuff so there wasn't any choice. I knew I could fly.)

You had to go because Charles is the authority and there was no way to back out then.

(It wasn't Charles, it wasn’t Charles, it was you.)

It was me.  It's all my fault.  I was what got you on the airplane.

(Yes because.......)

Ok, that’s all right, fine - - I'm glad you got here.  So that's what disturbed you as little as possible was to come.  If you'd hadn’t come, you'd been more disturbed because you didn't come.

(I would have, yes.)

Ok, so you took the smallest amount of disturbance.  Quit chatterin' you know, you chatter and chatter and chatter, you took the smallest possible disturbance, right?  Cause if you hadn't  come, you'd been sittin' back there twiddling’ your fingers. - - "I wish I'd a come, I don't see why I left that little stupid fear of airplanes keep me home."  and you'd a really been yakkin', huh?  So did you not choose that which had the least disturbance to you?

(Yes, I didn't notice it as being least disturbance......)

....until I went through it with you by degrees that you could take the smallest possible disturbance under the circumstance.  Now we're not gonna make it through this planet here and say a few thousand years or a few hundred or a few days or whatever we choose to spend - - we're not gonna make it through without a few disturbances; but I'm gonna take the least possible ones, ok? 

(That's right.)

Now if I hadn't a set it up for you to come out here; and Charles and I hadn't agreed on it, then you wouldn't have  made that big old decision.

(Oh yes _____)

But the point is you made the decision that was the least possible disturbance to you under the circumstances, is that right?


So that's what you did.  Now, in that case, you can go over here and play the one-headed lady.

(Aren’t I pretty?)

Well, it looks better than that three-headed one on the board.  That's for sure and it feels a lot better; so you can be one headed.  So you can be an integrated person at this moment; and you don't have to get a diploma or anything else.  You say, this is what I'm gonna do and here I'm doin' it.  You start initiating doing it.  Now many times through the day, we are an “integrated being” on the simple things we've been given permission to do like go get a drink of water, go eat a sandwich or somethin', ok?  Now we've been given permission to do that, so we have the purpose and we initiate the action with no conflict about it, huh?

(Uh huh.)

(I know a lot of people can't do that without conflict.)

I'm well aware.  I know people who can't eat.  The minute you say, "Well, let's have a bite to eat."  They say "Ohhhhhh, I'm gettin' fat already - - I can't do that!"  But then they say, "Well, I'm so hungry and that looks good, I'm gonna try a little of it."  And then, you know, the little turns into the whole thing in a little bit.  But they go through conflict on everything.  I know a person who can't buy a pair of shoes without goin' into a big thither; and after they get 'em they think they ought to take them back.  I know people who can't so much as buy a tank of gasoline or they get into a car and start worrying about how much gas to get.  "Well, I'm not gonna fill it up, I'm gonna put 3 gallons in it." or perhaps $3. worth.  These days with three gallons, you wouldn't notice it in the tank so why bother.  But I'll put $3.00 worth - - then they begin to worry as to how long it'll last.

(Got it backwards - - 3 gallons is more than $3.)

I know it is, but I said, they put $3. worth in because then any less than that wouldn't even hit the bottom of the tank these days.  Most people live in a continual conflict because their purpose is way over here; and their will is way off over here, so they can't get purpose and will together - - they got other people’s purposes - - we talked about that in our first session in "other determined" so other purposes which is the shoulds, the ought tos, the have tos, the musts and so forth - - that serves as their purpose; and “conflict” or “will power”, which means exactly the same thing serves as the other side.  So now this person is disintegrating, they're fallin' apart, they continually have nothing but problems, everything is in a turmoil except a few simple things; and as Charles said a lot of times that even even extends to getting  a glass of water.  A no-purposed person says, "I want to go some place to visit" you know, then they start in how much it'll cost, and whether they'd be welcome there, and an endless bunch of stuff like that.  Now you know about that, don't you?  Now most people are disintegrating.  It usually takes an average of 50, 60, 70 years for them to do it totally.  Some of them do it much faster than that.  A few of them do it a little slower; but that's pretty average, ok? 

Now wonder how long a person would survive if they didn't have all that conflict - - they were one person.  Now this three-headed thing here is a freak.  I don't care how you slice it, it's a freak.  Now freaks notoriously don't live long.  So if a freak can make it 70 years, how long do you think a person would make it if they were like they were designed to be.  They live that way, they didn't grow these other two heads on here - - you know - - you’ve always heard about Jack the giant killer - - the giant had two heads incidentally, huh?  And Jack goes to kill him.  He climbed the beanstalk.  Well, that's all right too, I don't care what you climb.  So maybe we have a beanstalk here, but let's knock these heads off, ok?  Now what's wrong with just going on and being one person?  I think that's pretty wonderful, don’t you?


One's enough, I don't need to two of me or three of me - - one's a’plenty.  Now certainly don't want three heads stuck up here.  I'd look real peculiar.  Did you ever take a picture of a three-headed being? 

(No, I haven't.)

I think it would be very interesting to design one so you could show people what they really are like.  Think maybe you could do that?  Ok?  Make a couple of plastic ones or somethin' - - make ‘em up.

(I could do it as a devil, triple exposure.)

And get it on one body - - all right - - ok - - do that.  Then you can see about how you really look.  And would you keep that around to show everybody as to how you're doing.  It might be the greatest reminder in the world.  So would everybody like to have a picture of the three heads - - we got it down to where you can see it now, ok? 

(You're using the word will.)

It is so common a word that you missed it.


Well, nobody has it - - hardly at all.

(I couldn't feel it or .....)

You do when you want to go out in your garden and you're sittin' in the house - - now I said when you want to go out there, not that you should go out there in order to earn your way in this world; but that you really want to go out there, then you get up an put one foot in front of the other and you’re there and everything's goin' all right.  Now there's no conflict.  Now for that moment you're integrated.  Why not do it all the time instead of being more or less in a conflict at least 50% of the time, huh?  Now there's no reason to be there at all.  You might as well be a fully-integrated person today as to put it off for infinity.  Now there's a not i jumps up - - this little guy over here and says, "Yes but, it will take a long time."    Now if you're gonna listen to the "yes, but" he will convince you that 10 years from now you will still be attending meetings, listening to tapes and all this stuff, reading books and whathaveyou when you could have in the meantime ten years of creative living which would probably accomplish more than 50 years of non-creative living everywhere - - conflicting living, huh?  One will disintegrate, the other one integrate. 

Now the more one lives as an integrated person, the less wear and tear and stress and aggravation is on the body.  Now it is said by all the integrated people I know that to deal  with all that conflict, struggle or resistance is the only disintegrating factor.  In other words they maintain that if you didn't practice conflict, that there is nothing that would disintegrate you.  You wouldn't get old and decrepit and worn out and die.  They say you could stick around and use that body as long as you want to. 

But if you're in a conflict, struggle or resistance, you disintegrate.  Now I don't think any of us enjoy any disintegration, do you Melba? 

(Not really.)

But we have felt that it was the nature of things.   As the young man said the other day, "It's just human nature."  It is human nature to have three heads, so I said I wanted to get out of human nature as quick as possible.

(Well, Bob, sometimes you get caught in a situation where you see what's happening and you're thinking, I don't want to be in this situation; ‘cause I really don't want the struggle or resistance, and still something happens in seconds, and off I go…..)

I cannot help being in a given situation; but I don't have to struggle with it Melba.  Now I cannot have charge of everything that happens in the environment.  I have a little bit to do with it.  I have a bit to do with it, but I don't have 100%; but I certainly have total charge of how I choose to see it.  You remember?


So I will see it as an interesting interlude in things.  It's not gonna last too long anyway.

(But sometimes there's just a little point in there............)

..........that you forget.

(Well, you're even seeing it........)

......and you just get involved in it anyway.

(It's like something that still hangs in there a little bit.  You're seeing it and you know its happening.  You know how you could look at it, but...)

...but you decide to do a little turmoil over it anyway.


Well, that's all right.  Just as long as you don't overdo it, ok?  So if you enjoy a few minutes turmoil here and there Melba, who am I to deny you a little pleasure.  I'm not trying to tell anybody not to do it.  I'm only saying it's unnecessary, ok?

(I think perhaps what Melba's getting at is if you don't want to have the turmoil, then you have to give up something else mainly what you want.)

Right - - at that moment.  That was that “time” thing we talked about yesterday.

(Yes, the struggle is really within you.  It isn't what the other person is doing...)

...nor anything else.  So we talked about that yesterday on “time”, is that right.

(Right, that’s it, Yes.)

And so you want it done “right now”; and something has come along that is gonna have you to “sit for a little while”.

(Yes, you had your purpose  put together and everybody got in there ..........)

....and so you were not free to change it again just a little bit, is that right?  So I can still carry out my purpose, but not necessarily on exact time schedule I had laid out - - the time is what you fight, is that right?

(That's it.)

(Well, Ruth wanted to come out.  She wanted to come out; but she didn't want to fly.)


(So it was a conflict.  So she had to decide what she wanted more or as you say or what she wanted less.)

That’s right, which way is going to produce the least turmoil, right?

(But, I don't see it as anything other than to get out of that - - just recognize that's what it is.)

Well, we said that as little as possible, so you took as little as possible disturbance under the circumstance - - you flew.  And after the plane got up there and you found the thing could stay in the air, huh?


You got along all right.  It's the same thing with boating. Somebody can go out and read a depth meter under a boat and it says 3,000 feet - - it's kind of a startle in the moment until you realize it'll float just as well in 3,000 feet of water as it will in 17 feet of water - - what's the difference - - or 9 feet of water, the boat's gonna float.  The airplane's gonna hang; and you can drown in water that averages a foot deep.

(What I was getting at was that once I see that I'm going to have these two alternatives that put me in conflict - - once I recognize that the degree of conflict goes way down...)

Oh sure.

(The conflict isn't very important.)

Right, it suddenly becomes unimportant what you wanted to do.  So you did what you wanted to do, is that right? - - or shall we say most wanted to do.


In other words you ignored the objection of this head over here that told you how terrible it's gonna be and then you really had a nice flight, is that right?  Pretty soon we’ll have trouble keeping you on the ground; you'll be flyin' all the time.

(The discomfort that she was feeling was not the disintegrating factor - - that was just being free to experience...)

Oh yes, just feel a little discomfort - - so what, it's just some discomfort.  She knew what she was gonna do, she was gonna come.


...come hell or high water.


That right?

(That's right.)

Crashin' planes or whatever, so what, you know. 

(Yeah, people, planes, resistance of any kind. )

Why sure - - especially husbands.

(Yes, that’s right.)

They always say things like that.  That's just their nature, don’t you know.  Why do you  think he got married to you if it wasn't to keep you on the straight line, and keep you out of all those ridiculous things you've been involved in all your life.

(That's right.)

After all he had to take on a heavy chore just to keep you straightened out - - all sorts of weird things.  It was ridiculous for you to go into the durn catering business.  It's ridiculous for you to go into an art store.

(Oh yes.)

That was really ridiculous.

(I wanted ___)

Well, I know, but he figures why don't you stay home and take care of the house.

(Yes, but on the other side, if you would only get a job...........)

Well, I know, but a job would be one you go down there and not be all - - when somebody tells you what to do, you do it from 9-5, come home, bring your paycheck and be done with it.  Don't you know how to operate in this world, Ruth?

(He wanted the paycheck.)

Maybe that was the whole problem right there.  Now does that fly in any way for you?  How about you Lennie?  Purpose and will is usually together all your life for a little bit here and there because people give you permission to do a few things you wanted to do like get a drink now and then and go someplace now and then; but an awful lot of it society has said you shouldn't do like she shouldn't go out and get a job.  She shouldn't come off out here gallivanting around to listen to some jerk talk when she could have stayed at home and listened to him - - he would have told her the same thing.  (Laughter)  That about right? 

(He's says, "I've been telling her about that for the last ....)

.....I've been telling her for years, you wanna listen to me.  I don't know why in the hell she listened to you, so, you know, I know how it goes.


Right, I've been there.  I've been in your house when you was lookin' at it, but I've been checkin' it out a few times; and that's the way it goes all the time.  Everybody is pickin' on everybody else and tryin' to get everybody else to straighten out so the rest of them can be happy.  It'd really be all right if you'd just straighten up and fly right Ruth.

(It’s really that way, but what would straighten out be?)

I don't know what that would be - - neither does anybody else, but if you can figure it out, why everything will run smooth then.  Ok, now let's have your comments and questions the rest the way on this subject - - on purpose and will - - to me it is the most vital one of all.  Yes dear?

(Ok, if you're gonna play the game and you think it’s ok you can just go on ahead and tell them, “Yes I have done that a certain amount of years?”)

Well not usually because they do a lot of durn checkin' up;  and since computers, it's hard to get by with it.  So I just go ahead and play the game of getting it - -it's usually easy to fudge that through too, but go ahead and get it - - don’t kid them because the durn computers will catch you at it and that's real bad news Beth. 

But of course, the nicest thing is don't do too many things that the authorities know about.  In other words, they really don't care for you walking down the street hardly ever.  You don't have to prove that, you've been given permission to walk, huh?  But there's a lot of things that you, at the present moment, have to go along with, more or less, if you wish to stay out of chaos.  So my viewpoint is, I play the lowest profile possible, ok?  Play a low profile and it's called in some books "wearing the cloak of invisibility", ok?  Play the low profile, play as many games as you want according to the rules; and if there's too many rules, don't play the game, ok?  But don't kid them about it; they catch on to it too quick.

(Robert, they catch you?  Having a winery, you do a lot of business with the federal government.)

More than anybody else. 

(Ah, It's amazing.)

And they do notice about how everything goes.

(Ten days of terror.)

Well, you got to know 'em real well, didn't you?

(...all my books and everything.)

They do the books up for you and check up on your labels, and check up on every little thing to the enth degree; so you might as well play the game according to the rules or if you don’t want to play the game according to the rules, don’t play the game at all.  There’s a lot of other games to play, ok?  I can never recommend to cheat on the rules because the penalties are unpleasant.  Yes dear?

(With purpose and will being joined, is that the same thing as making up your mind to be serene?)

Well, that’s one thing you would do is having purpose and will joined - - my purpose is to be serene, I will to do it and I start doing the things that produces serenity.  I begin to behave as a serene person - - that’s just another way of expressing.

(That’s what I was wondering.)

Same thing.  This is the fundamental - - purpose and will together - - integrated being.  Then you can do almost anything.  Now I don’t know what the “almost anything” is not; but I haven’t found it yet, but I would always like to qualify myself a little bit.   I haven’t yet figured out how two elephants stand on one orange at the same time, so I would say almost everything, ok? 

(You can do a drawing.)

Yeah, you can do that in a drawing.  You’re mind can conceive it; but getting it to actually happen is a little rough.  But you could do it with a drawing.  Might have to have a fair size orange; but nevertheless you can do what you want to do then, do you see?  Purpose and will.  Your purpose can be whatever you choose it to be; and you can change it as long as you want to as long as it is not involved with what you should do, ought to do, have to do and must do; and I don’t see any reason for all those things.  I see more that it is something I want to do.  So I can be considerate, be harmless and make a little contribution. 

Now I work with a lot of kids that their folks is always tellin’ ‘em what they have to do, what they should do, what they must do and what they can’t do; and I never agree with any of that.  Now I tell the kid to keep their mouth shut; and I ask them to do what they see as being to their advantage. 

I say, “Well what’s to your advantage?”  If Mama says you can’t do certain things, is she’s makin’ you?  You know good and well you can go ahead and do it.  I know you can do it; but what would you rather have, again?  Like Ruth’s little trip, she decided which was the least difficulty.  So for you is the least difficulty to go along with what she says and get to use the family car and have an allowance and so forth or to have a big fight with her and have no allowance and no use of the car or anything else.  What is to your advantage? 

And they begin to see that and later the parents say, “You sure did straighten him out.”  No, I turned ‘em loose.  So they now can do what they see is being to their advantage.  And so far I’m a great expert on raising children. 

I have raised a few, never  had any  of my own; but if I ever should, I’ll guarantee you I’m not gonna tell them what they should do, have to do, must do and not do.  I’m going to talk about what’s to their advantage because I have worked with enough other people’s kids that that’s the way I’d go about it, ok?  And I have seen that perform wonders with kids.  You don’t have to do anything.  Turn it around as to what is to your advantage.  Which way will it work out best for you?  And they don’t have to be belligerent then - - they can use their heads to think, “Well, how can this work out.”  You know, so they find out.  Would you like your kids to be doing what was to their advantage?


Right, ok, but we never did tell them that - - we always told them what they should do, what they have to do, what they must do and this is the way the law’s laid down, ok? 

Ok let’s take a break until about 2 o’clock.

Now we’re gonna take one other subject which is all concerned with self remembering. 

Now there’s two parts of the work that goes on that every time we work we always work with whether it’s individual with someone or whether it’s a group talk or whether it’s conversation.  There’s “self remembering” and the other one is “self knowing”.  Now I consider self knowing to be a very limited subject that, at the utmost, we could spend six months on it; and that would be more than adequate.  All we find out in self knowing is what not I’s are and how they work and how they continually use the same old story year in and year out to bug us.  So that looks to me like we could do that in a fairly reasonable short length of time, right Neal? 


Everything they say is so disgustingly repetitious that it just gets more and more boring the way I look at it; and I walk away from bores. 

Self remembering is something that as for a as I’m concerned never ends.  I want to remember what my purpose is and this morning we took as our purpose to be as nearly non-disturbed as possible and that we would only use grown up methods to get it - - right Miss Margaret.?

(That’s what you said.)

That’s what I said; and we laid it out so that nobody could say they forgot their purpose.  It’ll work just as well as any other purpose as long as it’s a consciously chosen purpose and you figure out how you’re gonna use it, right?  You can use grown up methods to get it.  Now that’s a very worthwhile step - - self remembering. 

Now the next thing in self remembering is to be aware beginning with  #1 What I am.  #2 iWhere am I?  #3 What’s going on here? 

Now this #3, basically, is very worthwhile when it’s to see what’s going on here.  The other two you spend a half a minute on - - you got that.

Now to be aware of what’s going on here is very worthwhile.  Some of the teachers have said through the years that that’s the only thing that was really worthwhile was to see what’s going on here.   And I think that’s somewheres about right.  What’s goin on here?  And I think there is still another one that I consider very worthwhile and that is number #4 - - under light of these three, “What can I do?” 

Now if I just remember that, I’ll get along pretty good.  So I would think that - - all right, let’s remember these last two.  What’s going on here; and that we would see that from moment to moment - - What’s going on here?  And if you see what’s going on, you can certainly take charge of your part of it, huh? 

And if you see “what’s going on” then the other one is “what can I do”; and if you see that, certainly you can do that, right Robin?  You can do that one.  So we will quickly go through “what am I”.

Now this we can look at fairly simply.  I don’t think it takes any great depth of philosophy or anything to see that we’re all here and gettin’ along pretty wonderfully at the moment, is that right?  And that you didn’t do anything to get here and that you found a well equipped world when you got here, is that right?  It had roads and transportation systems and airplanes and railroads and steamship lines and everything going on when you got here, is that right?  And they keep developing them up to higher states ever since you’ve been here, right?

And that there was clothing already laid out for you when you got here - - I think they call it a layette, is that right - - somethin’ like that.  And you had all of that set up for you - - you had slaves to look after you.  You had everything when you got here.  You found a well-equipped world when you arrived.  Is that a fact?  Ok? 

Now you found a well-equipped place already here and you got here with no dues on your part, right?  You didn’t even  have to buy a ticket.  You didn’t have to pay any dues to get in; so it evidently wasn’t like a show that you pay a fee for; and you didn’t have to buy a ticket like you would for a trip to Honolulu or to Hong Kong or to any other place you went - - Washington, DC, huh?  And you didn’t even have to ride an airplane, right Ruth?


So you found yourself here and all of these things were already ready for you - - all kinds of food was prepared and was available for you - - as you grew, you could handle different kinds of food on this level and so on, is that right? 
So then you would have to say beyond any shadow of a doubt that I’m a privileged invited guest, huh? 

Now “where are you” obviously you’re on this beautiful planet earth which is a space ship spinning in infinite space apparently, huh?  And it’s got a little band of oxygen on it in which humans can live.  It’s not very thick either, but we can live on that, and so we find ourselves as privileged invited guests on the beautiful planet earth; and it is pretty, isn’t it?  Even if you have to look at it out of an airplane, huh?

(Yes. It’s beautiful.)

Right.  But you’re too scared to look at it from that viewpoint; but what’s the difference.  You did look at it and it was pretty, wasn’t it ?- - ok.  

Ok.  And, obviously, Life is the Host.  Now we can dispense with those two - - we won't have to talk about them anymore.  Has anybody got any questions about either one of those - - we're through, that's simple.  That you can see is obvious, huh?  Now what's goin' on here...?

(They didn't say you had to join a union when you got here.)

Well, you don't have to join a union after you got here because I've never joined one friend.  When they tell me I gotta join a union, I don't want to do that, ok?  So “what's going on here” which will include the union part, ok is that there is a big party going on - - when you see a great number of people runnin' around and they're all playin' some sort of game, you have to assume there's a party goin' on, right?

So they're all playin' all kinds of games and there's a lot of people around; so “what going on here” is that there's a big party goin' on.  Now you have the privilege, not the right, but you have the privilege of playin' any game you want to.  Now in order to play some games, you get a piece of paper, is that right?  And most pieces of paper I've found are expensive - - there's certain people found they could sell pieces of paper for money.  So if you want to play the traffic game, you gotta go get you a little piece of paper, is that right?

So if you want to drive a car, you get a little piece of paper - - they charge you money for a simple little piece of paper with your picture on it, is that right?  And if you want to get married, Robin, they charge you a little bit for that piece of paper.  It doesn't do any good, but nevertheless you can have fun with it.

(It's more for the paper to get out of it.)

Well, that's more paper.  It took more paper too, didn't it Robin?  So paper's expensive - - that's the way it works.  So  you don't have to play the game.  You don't have to buy the piece of paper or play the game if you don't want to, is that right Robin?  You don't have to buy the paper.  You found that out, huh?

(Sure did.)

Good.  So now then you can play any game you want to at this party or you can stay out of any game you want to.  Now the place has gobs of other guests in it.  You can associate with the other guests if you want to or you can walk away from the other guests, is that right?  Nobody says you gotta play with this particular individual over here, huh?  And you can have some guests that you like to be around and some that is come see, come saw and some you'd a whole lot rather be away from - - and they allow that's a privilege here.  What's goin' on here, you can do all of those freely, is that right?  You may find somebody that you want to spend all the time with.  And if you do, that's wonderful, so what have we been provided by Life at this big party. 

We've been provided ever since we've been here, including the first day, with food, clothing, shelter, transportation, interesting things to do, interesting other guests to be around, and maybe a delightful companion or two along the way, huh?  More than likely not more than one, but maybe some people have said more; but nevertheless you have found delightful companions somewhere's - - maybe - - if you were lucky, but at least you found other people that were interesting to talk to, associate with or go around about, is that correct?  That goes on every day of the week, huh?  So now you can see “what's going on here” and you can see that all it is is a lot of games.  Do you have to play any of those games Marilyn?


But now if you choose to play the wine making game, you got to get lots of permits.  You get pieces of paper which you pay money for.  If you want to be an actor, you get a piece of paper which costs money, is that right?  You want to drive a car; you gotta get a piece of paper which costs money.  If you want to run a business, you have to get pieces of paper and pay money for them, is that right?


Now you don't have to play any game at all.  You can set it all out.  They can call you a hermit then.  I guess that's a game too.  You can play the hermit game. 

Now some people like to play war games; and they go play war games.  Now is that any argument to us if they want to play that game, it's all right.  I don't want to play it, so I don't play that game, huh?  But it's all right if some other people want to play it.  So here people get all excited and said if there is Life or a Spirit or God or X, why would it let people have wars?  Well, they want to do that - - they want to play that game - - let them do it, you know, I don't see anything wrong with it if that's the game they want to play.

Some people like to play the robbing game.  I don't want to play it, but you know, let them have a ball if that's what they want to do.  Some people like to play cops and robbers, let them play that game.  Kids play 'em don't they?  Did you play cops and robbers when you was a little kid?


Sure.  Now some people just don't get over being little kids, they still want to play cops and robbers, so what?  Now when we can see that this is going on, then there isn't anything that we have to get all agitated about to change, huh?  We don't have to change the system whatsoever because people want to go on and play those games. 

Now we can invent new games if we so choose.  And we can get some other people to play with us; we get a game going huh?  So you could invent a whole new game.  I'm thinking of inventing a new game.  I'll let you in on it when I get it formulized a little bit.  But I'm thinking of inventing a new game - - a new way to play certain things, ok? 

Now when all of that is looked at, we're down to this - - “What Can I Do?”  Now we can pretty well eliminate that.  We know what's going on here now, ok?  Is there any trouble to you to see what's going on?

(Not at all.)

Not at all.  Now you can play the family game and that game can be played by many different methods, is that right?  We can have the family hassle game or we can have the family harmony game if we wanted to.  Now I think most people prefer to play the family hassle game - - they hassle each other all the time, huh?  But who am I to say that they shouldn't play the game that way, is that right?  I merely see what's going on over here because I do recognize that what people are doing is what they really want to do.   So where you are today is where you wanted to be today.  There's nobody here that didn't want to be here today, is that right Bill? 

(I’ll always be here.)

You must have wanted to be here.  Nobody dragged you in here on the end of a chain, behind a truck or anything of the sort, did they?  So we're all doin' about what we want to do for one reason or another.

So that's “what's going on here”.  Now "What Can I Do?"  I can choose among some number of different things as to “what I can do”.  Now this all means that I have to remember what I am, where I am, what's going on here and what my purpose is.  Now that doesn't look like it's so hard to do to me.  That's very simple. 

So my purpose is to be as near non-disturbed as possible using grown-up methods; and so I know what I am, where I am and what's going on here.

Now I can do what, to me, is being a good guest. 

Now I'm not going to go to any authority and say "Tell me what being a good guest is."  I'm not going to come up and say, "Margaret, do you think I'm being a good guest here?"  It's none of your business.  I know that what I'm doing, I feel it to be what, to me, is a good guest, ok?


And I'm not gonna ask you either, huh?  I'm not gonna ask Bill; and I'm not gonna ask Neal if he thinks I'm being a good guest.  In fact, he may tell me I'm not being one, huh?  But to me, I'm being what, to me, is a good guest or put it in another term, I'm being as non-disturbed as I can using reasonably grown up methods. 

So they come out exactly the same, huh?  All right, they come out exactly the same.  Either way I'm gonna be considerate, do as little harm as I can and make some little contribution to the party.  Now I don't think the Host needs any contribution, he seems to be gettin' along all right puttin' on the party.  So I don't need to give him anything.  And certainly I'm not gonna make myself a servant here.  I would not consider if I came to your house; and I started acting like a servant around there and said, "Tell me what to do."  "What am I supposed to do?"  "Did I do it right?"  I don't think I'm being a guest, I think I'm bein' a very poor servant, is that right? 

And besides that, if you invited me and you're gonna make a servant out of me, forget it.  I won't be there anyway, or I'll leave damn quick as soon as I catch on to what you're doing.

So I'm not trying to serve Life, I'm making a little contribution - - 'cause I don't think I'm a servant.  I think I was invited as a guest and I'm gonna behave as such.  I don't think anybody played a dirty trick or anything played a dirty trick and invited us here so we could be servants.  Now I’d consider that a dirty trick, wouldn't you Melba?  If I invited you somewhere and then tried to put you to work doing something for a servant's style, I think that'd be a little cruddy.  So I don't give Life credit for trying to want me for a servant.  They found me interesting for some reason or another - - I can't imagine why, but invited me to the party.  And so far I haven't become obnoxious enough to get run off, ok? 

So now then when I can see that, then I have very little to really remember to be practicing self-remembering.  I don't have books full of stuff.  I don't even have 10 or 12 things to remember.  I only have one.  “What can I do where I am?”  Now that's simple enough.  Now you know, it's not gonna tax any of our memory to use that, is it Melba? 


Even if I'm as flighty as I am, I can remember that much, huh?


Now I can go out here and start doing what, to me, is being a good guest.  Now I've been around here for quite a while - - a number of you have walked through the door, is that right Robin?  Robin pops in to see me once in a while to bring a ray of sunshine in the house; and you pop in once in a while and bring a ray.  Bill pops in once in a while....

(..........I don’t' bring in a ray....)

Well, I know, he brings the clouds, but we do have clouds - - you know, it takes everything Bill.  They used to sing a song when they had funerals down in the hills where I grew up that said, "Oh they tell me of the land of an unclouded sky..."  And I didn't want to go there because I like pretty clouds every now and then - - especially those white puffy ones that come up and one gets hot and dry.  I like to see a good storm cloud come up and so forth.  So I wasn't really interested in that they tell me of an unclouded sky bit, you know.  I didn’t' like that one.  So everybody has to have a few clouds too, Bill. 

And Marilyn comes in once in a while - - you pop in, and Pearl you pop in once in a while, right?  Norma you have been known to fall in the door - - what do you usually find me doing? 


And in another words, I'm being what to me is a good guest, is that right?  What do you find me doing when you pop in?

(Um talking to people on the telephone and.......)

And what am I trying to do with them on the telephone - - am I screaming or yelling at 'em or we trying to get them to feel a little better?

(Selling them on feeling better.)

Selling ‘em, ok, so I'm a hard sell for feelin' better, is that right?  What do I sell you on the telephone Hon?

(Same thing.)

Sell you on a deal that there is nothing serious goin' on and that everything's pretty wonderful.  How ‘bout you Shelly.  You've talked to me on the phone a few times, is that right?  And what do I usually do.  You feel a little better when you get off the phone than you did when you got on?  Huh?  Is that right?  Do you Pearl?


So all you're really doing is remembering what you are, where you are.  Now all that I can do is to be considerate of everybody else - - me too.  I'm going to consider “this one”  because he's valuable to me.  The second most valuable in the world is this one, so I'm gonna look after him a little bit.

So I can be considerate.  I can be as harmless as possible which means I'm not going to agree with you that you're a poor little victim; and I'm not going to hit you or shoot you or stick knives in you or stick pins in your dolls or anything like that.  I'm not - - I'm gonna treat you all right.  Is it ok if I treat you all right Bill? 

And then at the end of that, I'm gonna make some little contribution to you having a pleasant mood or feeling a little better than you did when you started, is that right?  Now that isn’t too rough?  You can't forget that, huh?  Now that way I don't come up with any conflict because I don't have anything to be in a conflict about.  Could you figure out a conflict in that anywhere? Huh?


Now I do that all day long and sometimes beyond all day long, sometimes several other hours in a day.  When I'm out of town, that's what I'm doin' when I'm there.  I went down to a little place called Lake Whitney, Texas last week; and there was a whole slew of people come from many different places, but all we did with any of 'em was that simple little bit.  I was considerate of everybody.  I was as harmless as I know how to be; and that's simple enough - - I don’t agree with you that your a victim under any circumstances and I don't go around hittin' people, ok?...or steppin' on their corns or kickin' old lady's crutches out from under 'em or any of those little things like that, huh?


And I made a little contribution to a pleasant mood.  Everybody laughed a lot.  They even have me preach a little sermon on Sunday morning - - a sermonette - - that's long enough.  They have a chapel; and so they have a church service on Sunday mornin'.  I had 'em laughin' for that.  So they had a good church service - - they didn't take it so durn serious, you know.  They had a few serious people before me, but I got 'em over it before I got to it. 

Now what's wrong with that?  Can anybody do that?  Who's here that couldn't do that?  You have any great burdens that keeps you from remembering two simple things.

(It's sounds very simple.)

It IS, it don't only sound it - - it is.  If it wasn't simple, I couldn't do it, ok?  Now that is living the teaching.  The other day, we said you could use it or lose it, you remember?  Now if I don't remember what I am and I don't remember what I can do - - let's say I remember what I can do and I can remember what my purpose is - - now surely that is not so hard.  Then the rest of it comes as natural as breathing.  I don't have to think, "Well, I'm gonna make people laugh a little bit."  I don't have to think I'll dream up this and I can get this good joke in, they just pop out - - I don't know nothin' about 'em.  Lord I couldn't make a joke if I tried - - I wouldn't know how to write one.  I wouldn't know how to go about it, but they pop out because I feel nice inside - - that's all.  I just feel disgustingly well; and other than that, I like you, and I like you, and I like you, and I love you and love you and so on.  I don't have any trouble bein' nice to you - - you know - - being considerate of you because I like you.  Now I don't have to go through all the remembering - -  and I got books, I got to get the proper tape out and run it off this mornin' or anything like that.  I can remember all of it because I only have to remember two things maybe - - my purpose and what can I do.  Now who has trouble remembering that simple amount?  Now if you're just doing that all day, you know, things go along disgustingly well - - really they do.  Yes Virginia?

(There is only one possibility that I could think of that I see is important and that is if I’m gonna make a contribution to life.)

Oh, I didn't say anything about it being important, I said it was a party.

(I know you did, but .....)

It's a party.

(I know you did, but Bob, maybe there’s some obstructed in us making a contribution ....)

Oh yes because they're gonna make a big contribution, but I'm just gonna make little ones.  Now if I was gonna make a big contribution and save the world - - oh, I got all kinds of trouble; but of course when somebody starts talkin' that way, they're not talkin that their at a party, they're gonna be the servant and get a bigger reward that you did; and I'm not looking for any rewards because I can truthfully say a prayer - - my only one - - you want to hear it? 

“If I am aware of you O Lord in order to gain a heaven, deny it to me.  And if I'm aware of You O Lord to escape a hell, throw me in.”

So I'm not trying to escape hell or gain a heaven.  Now if I was gonna make a big contribution, then I'm gonna get a bigger place up there, you know, like that one you used to know about - - you got three levels you’d find yourself in.

(…all kinds of degrees.)

All kinds of degrees and if you were real good at it, you had more cattle and wives in that order; but you see those were the things that I'm not interested in, so now there's nothing to keep me from going on and doing my purpose and will.  Now I don't have to know whether there's a heaven or a hell.  I don't have to know whether there's reincarnation because I wouldn't be living one jolly bit different if I knew those things and they certainly are in the "I don't know" department, is that right?


I wouldn't be doing anything different, would you?


I'm doing what I'm doing, I'm being what to me is a good guest and I'm gonna keep on doing that to the best of my ability - - without thinking I'm gonna get any reward for it or that I would be punished if I didn't.  I'm doing it simply as my way of saying thank you because I got invited to the party and when I'm invited to the party I want to go around and say, "I thank you, I'm glad I'm here."  And that's my only reason for being what to me is a good guest - - for being considerate or to be as harmless as I can or to make any contribution.  I've already gotten everything - - I have it all, so now why should I go out here and struggle to get more?  I have food, clothing, shelter, transportation, interesting things to do, interesting other people to be around and a delightful companion and how can you beat it.  So, I'm  thankful, and I want to express that thankfulness by what I do.  Now how are you gonna forget that?  Huh?  How about that Miss Norma?  You have as good a memory as anybody else, but let's say you've been hit in the head and practically had amnesia; you couldn’t even forget that simple thing, huh?  Even a person with almost total amnesia couldn't forget those two simple things, could they?


No, ok?  Now let's suppose that each of us took as our own little way to remember two simple things the rest of this week, ok? - - just two simple things.  “What's going on here” if you want to or “what can I do” comes out about the same, doesn't it?  Just say “what can you do” and the other one is “what your purpose is”.  Now we said this morning we wouldn't even change the purpose you started with the first day of your life, we would continue to have as our purpose ‘which everybody's had all their life was to be as non-disturbed as possible’, the only thing is we'll use grown-up methods instead of infant methods. 

The grown-up methods would obviously turn out to be being considerate, harmless and make a little contribution.  That's the best way I know to be non-disturbed so far, ok?  So could we do that?  Now let's try that on for size.  Do you have any trouble with remembering two simple things, you've got your note pad, you've got your pencil poised; and we assume that the gears are turned on to the widget up here in the skull bone.  Would you have any trouble remembering that Hon?


Not a bit. Would you Betty?


You'd have no trouble.


How about you?  Charles said there was a bunch of liars here.

(I did?)

Do you think you're lyin' then, or are you gonna forget it or could you easily remember that.  In other words I will go a bit further, can you forget it?  I've pushed hard; I'm leaning a little bit.  Can you forget it?  Marilyn, can you forget it?

(Well, not right now, but it's like all that past stuff.)

Well, all that past stuff is not here.  You're not there anyway.


You're not there, you're here.

(I doing it some of the time.)

Oh well, I know - - we're talking about all the time.

(So 50% better than nothing.)

I'm not real sure that it is.


I just as soon not be 50% electrocuted if you don't mind.



(All right.)

I just as soon to be not poisoned at all as to be 50% fatally poisoned; so I don't think that in all cases 50% is better than nothin' ok?  Do you?)


I would rather not be starved at all than to be 50% starved, ok.  Yes. Pearl?

(Would you say that on some level at some place inside me I am always...)

What to you is a good guest?- - but that the outside doesn't always go along with it.  Well, you could say that, but it wouldn't make sense.   You are a unit.  So I could say - - well, inside I'm a bundle of joy and love, but outside I go around boppin' people and steppin' on corns and kickin' old lady's crutches out from under them, but ignore that because my inside is just pure bright love.  I don't buy it. 

(Well, can you say that some place you know better; but you don't always do that?)

No I wouldn't even go along with that.  That is just merely another trip out; and I wouldn't go along with it.  No, you can say anything as you so aptly said - - you could say it, but that doesn't make it factual Pearl.  So let's just say I sleep most of the time and once in a while I wake up and do something, ok.  So most of us are asleep.  Some books are not so polite about it, they say you are dead.  But let's say that we sleep a lot of the time and while we're asleep, we dream all sorts of peculiar dreams and when once we wake up, then we do live by it.  So essentially what you said a minute ago was that you're awake 50% of the time and about 50% of the time, you're asleep, is that right Marilyn?

(I think - - I really don't know that's true.)

Well, we haven't counted it up on the scales, but every now and then you wake up a few minutes here and there.  That we do know.  That we know; and then we're also aware that people sleep a lot.  Now self-remembering is remembering to stay awake, ok?  Yes Virginia? 

(Do you find that most people when they're awake desire to do all these things.)

Well, they don't desire to, they just see that it's there to do.

(They see it and they do it?)

That's obviously the only thing there is to do, right.   There really isn't anything else to do if you're awake.  Now if you're asleep, oh man, we have some of the wildest dreams you ever set eyes on, you know.  I got to defend myself.  I've got to protect myself.  I've got to be sure that I don't get hurt - - I better not put myself in a position where anything could happen to me.  I've got to build all kinds of walls around me so I won't take a chance on being hurt somewheres along the way.  We know all those games.  That's when you're asleep when you dream all that. 

But when you're awake, you don't ever be concerned about that, you see what you can do; and that is the simplest thing in the world to do.  Now this is what self-remembering is about.  We can do it every day.  We can do it all day long. 

Self-knowing we can do in a little time.  It's a short exercise to get acquainted with not i's.  They are always on the job so you don't have to hunt for them; and they're disgustingly repetitious, that right?  So we don't have to go spend much time on that; but we can live the rest of our life with self-remembering.  And if were doing that, it's liable to be a very very long time because you're not tearing yourself up. 

Now what's the hang-up to not to do it.  Anybody got the answer? 

(To want to want to instead of wanting to...)

When you see what's going on here, you see what it's all about and for goodness sake, you start playing the game.  We're at the party - - we're doing things, ok?  It's not all that serious Betty.  It's really a lot of fun believe it or not, huh?  So now let's have your questions, comments, refutations and dissertations or whathave you.  Let's have it.

(Bob, You were saying that it isn't hard for you to do this because you like all these people; but when you don’t like all the people ...)

Well, I don't see how you can keep from it. 

(All right, it has to do with what you were telling us the other day about.....)

…about how I choose to see everybody, right.  I learned that way back down the road.   So I like everybody.  Yes?

(I experimented with that last night.)

And how did it work lovely lady?


Wow, and it was all the difference in the world, wasn't it?  The evening was entirely different.  There was not even a fly in the ointment, was there?

(Not one.)

So you see you can see things any way you want to.  So I choose to see people that way; and I don't ever run into anybody I don't like.  Now granted some of them I'd rather be around than others, but I like the ones I don't want to be around...because they're not interested in the things I'm interested in and so why should we sit there and try to sell each other.  I could sell all day, but…..

(Let's say I say “Robert you are mean man” - - I've put that into the computer, ok and I go back and take a look at that and say, hey, every time I see Robert I'm now going to say he's a mean man and therefore I'm gonna live in that feeling.....)

....feeling it for the rest of your life.

(What I did last night and - - I wondered if I could throw it away as easy as just erasing that and putting something in it's place....)

Then you did.

(The not i's tell me “You can't”,  and that's where I hang up for years.)

Right, but you could....

(Well, it went away just like that.)

It went instantly. 


But if you listened to what that not i's said, "You can't do that."  You’re stuck there.  No, you’re not stuck.  You can see anybody any way you want to when you cancel the other one and choose how you want to see that person. 

(The not i's get you to procrastinate until its impossible…...)

Well, naturally they work to make it hopeless - - why bother with it, it won't work anyway; but you know that it is not that way, so you broke the inertia and decided to give it a bloody go; and it was all the difference in the world, wasn’t it?

(Oh yeh, it really was.)

Right, and in fact it was downright nice, wasn't it?

(It was.)

Now that's what I try to get across.  You see, life can be very beautiful or it can be so miserable, it's unbearable.  People do see things so they want to commit suicide.  But it can be very very very beautiful; and I don't see any reason as long as we have the choice why we have to pick the cruddy bit, do you? 

(Well, in all the books and in all the writing and reading and in all this kind of stuff, through the years, it's been that it was some mystic you had to learn, ok, and it was just too crazy.)

And this is why Robert works year in and year out talking to people that I'm telling you that idea is a bunch of stuff, it is simple 1, 2, 3; and you can do it now. 

In the last book we wrote, I added one little line and it's in my scratchy handwriting.  It says, it is as simple as that, ok?  And it is that simple, but we have taken all this stuff that has been handed down through the ages says it's serious, hard, woe-be-gone - - only a few if any will ever find it, huh?  And all this kind of stuff. 

Now there is one book written that doesn't say that.  I will point that one out to you sometime.  It says it's as simple as that.  It can be there any day.  And that any of us simple folks can do it - - we don't have to wait to be highly educated and get our PHD or all that stuff in order to understand it.  That anybody can do it, and you can do it today. 

Now there's a lot of people for reasons of their own which I'm totally unacquainted with as to what their reason is, that tells you it's a long drawn out terrible process that takes years; and more than likely you will never get there, huh?  But it's very simple to live a fully integrated life - - we talked about that just before noon that if you had your purpose and will together, you're an integrated person.  So if my purpose is to be non-disturbed and I'm willing to do it by using reasonable methods for it, huh - - I'm one person then.

Now I no longer have three heads.  We had a three-headed guy on the board and also the one-headed guy on the board Bill.  The three-headed guy had a hard time doing anything.  The one-headed guy can do anything, ok?  Now what’s so hard, so difficult?

(It’s not hard, it’s simple, but the thoughts…..)

….because it is not complicated enough and deep enough and so forth, so therefore it can’t work.

(We keep waiting for something, Bob…)

Are you waiting for the not I’s to tell you it’s all right?

(Not exactly, I think it’s tell me how to do it.)

All right, did you have to figure out any “how to” last night or did you just go do it.

(I just said what happens if I just say I’m going to be….)

Let’s try somethin’ here. 


How many of you know how to hear?  Now I think everybody in here is hearing, is that right - - to some degree, is that correct?

(Well, at least the tape recorder is.)

Yeah, I noticed the tape recorder is; but some of ‘em’s makin’ notes, so they must have it down.  So for some reason or another you can all hear; but do you know how to do it? 

Most of us are able to stand up.  Do you know how to stand up?  No.  Some people even know how to dance wonderfully, is that right Robin?  Do you know how to do it or do you just know what you want to do? 

(I know what I want to do.)

Most everybody can figure out what you want to do, but you don’t know how to do anything!  Do you know how to taste?  You know you have something in your mouth, but do you know what makes it work.  I don’t.  Do you know how to smell?  I know what happens, I smell something; but I don’t know what the mechanism is and could care less.  I don’t even know how to walk, do you? 


 I just do it all the time.  I experience it, but don’t know how to do it.  I’m aware if I want to get from here to there and so something happens, ok?  So you see that we have set up all kinds of pseudo reasoning for not being “one”  - - the three heads can’t agree; and until they agree, I guess we’ll stay three-headed.  Is that the idea of it or can you take charge right now and be one headed? 

Now then, we’ve told you “what we do” and I’d like, if you’d like, to observe and see if that’s “what goes on”.  Then you’re seeing people who are somewhat aware of what they can do and what they’re purpose is.  You would see that what they’re doing is that they’re being as non-disturbed as possible using reasonably grown-up methods, ok?  And that most everybody that comes by or is in contact with that in some way or other feels a wee bit better.  Now I don’t know why they feel better. 

Robin do you usually feel better when you pop in and out; and I’m not asking you to agree, you know that.

(It’s true though.)

But you’re perfectly free to say “I usually feel like hell” if you wanted to, and you know it, is that right? 

(That’s not true.)

That’s not the way it works.  You feel a little better, don’t you honey, for some reason or another.

(Some reason or another.)

You’ve been in once or twice Missy, did you go out feeling more miserable when you left than when you came in; and if you look back on the interview wasn’t that all we did was what we just said.


That was all there was, and you didn’t feel too terrible leaving did you.


So this is what you will see and we will be happy to demonstrate.  We will meet here again at about 10 minutes and we will have a little session and it will be 100% round table discussion.  I will even bring a chair in and sit down so that I don’t stand up any higher than anybody else or anything of the sort.

Ok, now we said we were going to have round table discussion.  We don’t have a very round table, but we’re gonna start.  Virginia you can start the show.

While I have the courage.  I wanted to ask, are there such things as poltergeist?)


(My daughter had something happen to her the other night and so that ____)

….attributed it to.

(But there wasn’t a solution - - it had to be somethin’.)

We have run into things where strange things happened in houses and so forth - - they do naughty things and so forth - - throw pins at people and drapery hooks unfold and make doors close and open and talk and all this kind of stuff. 

So apparently there is one common thing with a poltergeist - - there is some person around that is rather disturbed or some such a matter.. 

(Is it the person?)

It would not necessarily be the person, it could be somebody else.

(The only other person in the house was her 16-month old baby.)

Well, it could be the 16-month old baby - - I don’t know - - it could have been something else; but usually there is a  disturbed person present and all these things happen.

 (It was a very emotionally disturbed family - - particularly the three children.  They think it had something to do with them.)

(She’s separated from her husband, and her husband is greatly disturbed too.)

Well, that’s more than likely what’s going on.

(And - - you know - - he could project ……..)

Oh yeah, his attention was probably on them and so forth.  Now not too long ago, some of you know Clyde and Bekki that was out here for a while. 

They rented a house.  Do you you know what they do?  They run halfway houses for highly disturbed people that have been on drugs, alcohol, etc.  They rented a place in Chattanooga, and as soon as they got a couple of the residents moved in, all sorts of strange things happened.    Rooms where there was nobody in them had voices of kids playing and they could even see them a little bit as filmy looking things - - doors slammed,.  Bekki was hanging up drapes, and they picked up an ash tray full of drapery pins and threw it till the pins stuck in the wall.  She was in the room by herself, and the dogs would be runnin’ scared and hide.  So quite a number of little things like this happened.

(Was he harmful?)

Well, nobody was hurt; but who can say what was harmful, Bekki’s black hair began to get a lot of grey streaks in it; so I don’t know; but anyway….

(She was scared to death.)

Anyway, Beki hauled out and went and stayed in a motel ‘til they could get another house.  Now she called and asked me about it, and I asked about the people in the house and this one girl was highly disturbed.  They got the one girl out of the house and it never did happen anymore.  But nevertheless, Bekki was spooked and wouldn’t live in that house anymore, so they got another one.  But she says, I’m checking tjem out before they stay here from now on. 

Now I have been involved in many poltergeist situations if that’s what you want to call them, and in all of them there is somebody in the house or associated with the house that is highly disturbed.  So I would say that it is a projection of energy from somebody who is highly agitated.  I don’t think there is any little beings out there.

We talk about not I’s as though they’re beings, but we very carefully say they “act like entities” but are not; and a poltergeist is only an extension of that same sort of thing - -they act like entities; but they are not.  And as far as I know they’ve never injured anybody.  The word poltergeist means mischievous ghost.  So they’re just mischievous, and they scared Bekki’s black hair into white, but that’s all.  She got it all black again shortly thereafter when it calmed down a little bit; but she said that her long hair stood on end a good number of times.  It would be rather startling, I’m very sure;  and as far as I can see, it’s only what we call a not I, only it is a little more mischievous.  If somebody’s involved with it, it is so intense that it generates so much energy that it just explodes in various and sundry directions.  Now we talked about generating energy yesterday, but let’s don’t generate that kind.

(Tell me now about the girl who was so disturbed that she exploded and broke out …)

She actually exploded.  She actually did.

(She did.)

Yeah, she had big tears in her skin just like you had something inside exploded - - she was highly disturbed and everything around her was bouncing.  You can get so agitated that you cause a lot of trouble.  I hope none of us ever find it out; but if you ever run into one, don’t get concerned.  I don’t think it’ll hurt you if you don’t get scared to death.

(You mean her skin would bleed.)

Well, no, it just  plain exploded in a bunch of places on her body in a manner of minutes.  She was all agitated about something and she got so worked up that there was big tear in the skin just like you had torn it.  Some people just break out and other do more drastic things.  She did more drastic things because she was highly, highly, highly agitated - - you know - - it’s when you can’t stand what is, you can get very agitated.

Yes Melba?

(Bob you’re working with someone in this situation - - we had the same thing too when our daughter was very disturbed and it was always messy and a little frightening; but if you’re understanding what this is - - it’s a form of energy – - and in working with people like this, is there some means of redirecting this………)

Well, that’s what we work on is to get them so they’re not making whatever it is so important and get through to the point so that they’re not so highly disturbed, yes. 

People give me credit for a lot of things I don’t know how to do; but anyway, they’ve had houses that all these things were happening.  So they called and asked me if I could run ‘em off.  So naturally I go and act like I know what I’m talking about; but I hunt up the one in the household that’s highly disturbed and get them calmed down and it never happens anymore.  So as long as it works, it’s all right how I get it done.  But I always look for the one that seems to be most highly disturbed. 

Now teenagers sometimes can get very highly disturbed with a lot of changes going on in themselves and this has been usually the case that I’ve found a young  teenager that was 13 or 14 that was highly disturbed.  So when I got that straightened around which was usually very quick to do when I use my approach of “what’s to your advantage”  and then there’s no more of those phenomena occurred in the house.

I've been around them, and they don't do any great shakes to anybody or anything.  I've seen 'em start fires right in the middle of the walls and all sorts of other peculiar phenomenon that goes on.  Usually it's just noisy and etc.  I was in one house where the whole family tended to be very very violent and I stayed there while they went to bury grandma one day; and there was chains drug over floors, there was music came out of the corner of the room - - very dreadful music.  They was screams occurred; and there was nobody in that house but me.  And I thought it was rather interesting; but to give you some inkling of the disturbance in it, the father chopped his son's fingers one at a time in the attic because the boy had broken one little rule of the house and the old man took a hatchet and chopped his fingers off one at a time.  That kind of stuff went on so I wasn't surprised at the chains dragging and the banging and the dirge music out of the corner of the room and all sorts of stuff.  But I stayed to look after the house - - it needed lookin' after while everybody went to the funeral.  Now I knew this family and had worked with several of the kids - - not the old man or the old lady; but they were all highly disturbed and I would never want to live in that house.

I also rented an office, sight unseen, one time where a man had been a drug addict and had finally OD'd himself and died, a physician.  And I took the office over after he was dead; and there was no way I could stay in the place.  So I sold it to another guy - - you know, I caught one and I sold it to him.  It was a lovely office, and I sold him my lease and the equipment and everything in it.  He couldn't stay in there either; and he couldn't find anybody to sell it to; but it wasn't a place to stay in.  I couldn't tell you that anything went on, but it was an oppressive feeling in there so there was no way that I could spend four hours or two hours of a stretch in there. 

(Is this a form of energy that's kind of left over from something that happened..........)

....from violence or some sort of inner state of terrific turmoil within the individual which creates a terrific generation of energy; but you know, it's a form of energy we don't want to be around.  They're dissipating energy out and it permeates the walls and the floor and all sorts of things.  Those are things that I hope most of you don't run into; but they do exist and I don’t know what a poltergeist is; but I got my viewpoint that it is just a thing like a not i only it is again acting like an entity; and it is not one, but it is so much turmoil in the person that it projects outwardly and does very strange things.  They are very strange.

(And what about the building?)

Nobody can stand to stay in the thing.  If somebody rents it, they couldn't stay there for a month, they would have to move out, that's all there is to it.  You can't stand it; and there wasn't any noises or anything else, it was a deadly oppressive feeling.  It's like being in a room that had a lot of stale air in it.  It had an air conditioning and the air was turning, but the feeling was that you were in a room where you could barely breathe because the air had gotten so heavy with a lot of people in it - - a long stale over breathed air. That was the feeling I had in there; and I had the air conditioner running full tilt turning it over, but it still felt that way.

(I sold the house so it couldn't have been the house because they haven’t had anything happen . . . .)

No, it wasn't the house, it was just the energy from somebody with a lot of turmoil in themselves; and that does spread out and it is fairly common to occur.

(Can it happen in a lesser degree too.)

Oh, it can happen in any degree, sure.

(Where it'd be a bad feeling for a while.....)

And then it wears out after while if the person was only agitated or even in some of them, we said we got the one person to quit being agitated and it's all over with.  The whole phenomenon quits occurring.  Now I didn't run any ghost off or anything like that; but you know they can explain it any way they want to, but that's what I felt - - that I got the kid to be less disturbed.  So I just talked with him a while and the whole phenomenon all comes to an end; and it doesn't leave any left over in the house.  Now I think like these people where there was nothing but violence in this one family where the old man chopped the kid’s fingers off and stuff like that.  Now that probably, you would have to burn the house down and then the ground would still jump.

(Bob, can someone go in and like take charge?)

Oh you can certainly - - you could do it a number of ways, I'm sure there's more than one way, my way is to try to find out the source of it.

(Can we go somehow, Bob, from this kind of energy to energy that is creative and......)

....that is very true and we have talked about that through the week that you are enthusiastic or exhilarated or vitally interested, you generate tremendous energy which not only is effective for you, but it affects everybody around you.  It has a decided effect on everybody around - - everybody that comes near.  People are attracted to this. 

The other kind you're repelled by; and we said the other day when we was talking about the generation of energy, if you're very angry, you generated a lot of energy, but everyone wants to stay away from it.  That's the kind that makes the poltergeist and so forth.

(But you indicated that there's a lot more energy from the other state ....)

Oh it's a lot more and it is creative and it affects people and attracts people from a distance.  You have some reason you want to go there and you might wind up meeting somebody in a certain place that was very delightful to you and you say, "Well, I just happened in there."  You didn’t happen in there, you were drawn there.  You was following something. 

(Like the people to the winery.)

The same way, and they had no intentions or didn't even know there was a winery in Hecker Pass; but they just wandered in there for lookin' around - - thought they was lookin' at the house or whathaveyou. 

(Well, I really felt they didn't know why.)

Right.  And so they're attracted by a level of energy that you radiate.  Now you can either repel or attract.  I much prefer to do the attraction bit - - why not have the pleasant, delightful energy and when you generate a lot of it, it energizes everybody around where this other stuff is liable to upset everybody around; but it still is an energy - - but energy's energy with what you do with it - - what any individual does with it is to it's nature.  It's like electricity, is electricity - - you use it to cool a house or light the house or kill you.  Energy in itself is neither good, bad, nor indifferent; but it will respond to whatever feeling you give it; X will generate that kind of energy.  X is the generator and if you're asking to generate hate energy, it will sure do it.  But it will run people off and so forth.

(It starts off with the feeling enthusiastic, and then you’re saying can be directed.)

No, it will be directed in all directions I would say. Yes, you can direct it, or you can leave it just to radiate; and it certainly does attract people; and it attracts other interesting things to go along with it.  If you were full of bitterness, we will say, you wouldn't attract anything, any person or anything, they'd feel repelled and all these strange phenomenon you're talking about might occur, not always by any means.  And it will be injurious to everybody around.  It's like breathing poison.  You would feel very depressed; and you'd feel drained of energy and feel all sorts of things.  You can go through certain areas in a city and come up with that kind of a feeling and there is nothin' goin' on.  A lot of people ask themselves why they feel all sorts of things, "Well, I don’t know, what did I do."  You did nothin', you just went by somewhere.  Now there's certain people you can go around that you will find that all your energy's just Pssst.  And you don't have enough energy to do anything.  Well, I have done that; and I'll do it freely because I know somebody out there is really needin' some - - and I can go off somewheres and generate me some more right quick.  I know how to generate, so I'm happy for them to have it.  It'll make 'em feel a little better for a little while anyway.

So when you work with troubled people a lot, you better know how to generate your own energy because if you don't, your tank's gonna be empty most of the time because they do grab it. 

(Can you share with us how to generate more energy?)

We talked about that all day yesterday - - somebody will give you the tape, honey. 

(Would you say that action is the appropriate answer?)

Action determines - - the type of action determines the type of energy - - only X does the energizing - - it builds it, but it always does the appropriate thing for the information it receives.  So if you're very energetic and or enthusiastic and so forth, you're gonna generate some energy.  If you're very angry, you're gonna generate some energy, but it'll be a different variety - - it'll be bitter energy; and it will adversely affect people.  If you're apathetic or you're depressed, you're short of energy and you will sap it out of other people. 

(Do you, Bob, use physical means to augment energy like eating or not eating or sleeping or not sleeping?)

Naw!  I sleep  because I get tired if I don't; and I eat because I like to eat, I think.  I hardly ever get hungry; but I like to eat a little bit now and then.  No, that's not the energy - - that's only what X can use to make energy out it maybe, but I can't.  I wouldn't know how.  No, X does the energy; and I can do it without any food.

(I have had people come up to me and ask me questions saying that they could feel my energy.)

Oh yeah, they feel a lot better around you - - excuse me, I got a question.

(So X is the source of the energy.)

X is energy, I assure you , X is energy.

(And X is part of us.)

We are an aspect of, yeah, uh huh.

(So X is the source.) the source of energy - - is the energy I would say; and therefore, it will dish the energy out according to the information it receives, ok?  Now if you sit all day long and were very - - let's say, self-pitying or you feel “What's the use”, a little apathetic, then X doesn't generate any energy and pretty soon, you're depleted in energy.  Now if somebody came by that was very energetic, then the person that's all depleted feels better, but the one that walked by feeing energetic will feel kind of whipped out.  But you can go away and generate some more so what difference does it make - - give it to 'em, I don't mind.

(Some people are interested or have purpose and will together and decide to take action and generate energy, and other people just never make that decision, you know.  They just go along...)

They go along with whatever life has to offer and sometimes they're generating and sometimes they're depleted; and so they're like a ship out there in the sea - - a sailboat with it's mast broken off and nobody on board - - it's just a hull out there.  Sometimes it'll go east, sometimes west, sometimes it'll go north, sometimes it sits there. 

(So where does impetus come from?)

The impetus to take charge?

(Yeah, some people it never occurs to them - - people are never interested; and other people are interested....)

What makes the difference?  I wish I knew.  I only talk to those who are interested.  I wouldn't waste time with all the others.

(It's in the "I don't know" department.)

It’s in the "I don't know department"; I do know that some people are and some aren't.  There's a story told that says that when you go out to do this kind of work in anything, you're like a farmer that went out and broadcast seed in the pasture.  Some of it falls on rocks and the birds eat it - - who cares?  Some of it falls in very shallow soil and it's springs up and looks wonderful till the first hot day comes by and then it all wilts because it had no root system - - who cares?  Some of it falls amongst the brambles out at the edge of the field near the fence rows or the bushes and it gets choked out - - who cares?  And an awful lot of it grows well, so you plant it all and could care less about where it falls. 

Now I do not know anybody's motives including my own.  I'm sure that for everything we do, there is jillions of motives we never ever think of.  I may give a great big reason - - somebody comes up to me and says, "Why'd you do that?"  Well, I usually give 'em a quickie and go on, you know, because I really don't know, it may have been a lot of things.  So I never am concerned about anybody's motives, ok? 

Now I know that there's people who go through great efforts to study and all this kind of stuff, but they never use any of it.  I know that too.  Now don't ask me why, 'cause I don't know.   I wouldn't waste a lot of time finding out something if I didn't intend to use it; but I'm not that other person.  I know a lot of people that go to great lengths to find out a lot of things they never intend to use one iota.  I don't know.  I think there's a jillion things involved in it, so I don't try to wonder.  I just go ahead and plant my little seed out here; and there seems to be enough pasture goin' on to take care of it - - and what the birds eat, perhaps they need it too; and the ones that fell in the brambles probably fertilizes the brambles, so why bother.  I'm just plantin', ok? 

(One time this one was talking to you and I said, "I understand" and you said, "Take that word out of your vocabulary, don't ever use that."  Would you like to elaborate on that a little bit?)

Yeah, basically people say a certain line of logic and someone says they understand it.  I think we only agree with that logic - - we don’t understand it.  Understand, to me, is to one purpose - - that purpose is called “agape” which means that “I can see clearly that what anybody does, including self, that at the moment of doing that they feel it to be right, proper or justifiable with what light they have at the moment. 

To say that I understand basically means I agree with some given statement. For instance if I say I understand that - - now they say they can agree with it; and I'd just as soon if we're gonna agree, say we agree; but agreement really doesn't really mean anything. 

(Is the disadvantage that one then stops .........?)

..........once you say you understand something, it's like saying you know somebody.  Now you never know anybody because they're changing every moment.  But if I decide that I know somebody and they are what kind of a person? - - a bad person, Marilyn?  Then no matter what they do, I see them as being a bad person - - I experience them being a bad person; and I have nothing but unpleasant experiences with that person. 

But if I change the whole makeup; and say, “I'm gonna look at this person as they are right now”, even if I don't come up with a different viewpoint - - so, most of the time, most people are behaving pretty nicely; and I can begin to experience them. 

So it's like we say we understand something, we've come to the end of our investigation of that.  I put that in the "I know department" and conversely, I like to keep an awful lot of things in the "I don't know" department.  I think it works better then.  I don't know anybody because I'm only knowing you; and I like KNOWING you; but I would not want to say I know you because then I've settled the matter and I'll never experience you as you are moment by moment; I will only experience that conclusion of which “I know you”.


And you got hung up with “I think I know”.  I prefer to be “knowing you” at the moment; and that is a much more interesting, delightful, dynamic experience.  I am knowing you moment by moment by moment with no preconceived set that this is the way you are, right? 

(That is clean fresh wind blown....)

...and the breeze comes in off of the hayfields, the fresh mown hay fields - - we know all those poetic things Marilyn - - the soft breeze that wafted in over the………….

(............I have a question.)

I'm here. 

(Agreement in the technical world is also equally an illusion; however functioning in the technical world - - it seems to really require agreement.)

It absolutely does.  In other words I want everybody to agree what a size 12A shoe is because it fits my foot.  So I want them to agree on it whether I ordered from Foot Joy or Balle or Johnson Murphy or whoever - - I want 'em all to agree what it's like, ok?

(What happens if somebody all of a sudden decides a 12A shoe will be made 3 inches shorter?)

Well, I won't do business with him anymore.  I couldn't even get it on, so I'll have to disagree with him, ok?  Agreements are very necessary for people to work with, yes.  And if you can't agree with somebody, it's not a very good place to be workin' in.

(As far as agape for somebody in whom you, in all appearances, have, but which are detrimental to your position.)

Well, I understand that that person with what light they have....

(Well, when you take them to court and throw them in jail and when you tell 'em you realize they're doing what's right, proper and justified....)

Well, I just let 'em realize I don't want to do business with them.  I don't feel going to court is anything only expensive - - attorneys make money off of that; and I don't happen to be an attorney, so I don't want to go.  But if I was an attorney, I would recommend we take him to court right quick.  But not being an attorney, I would just as soon let it alone.  The point is that when I can't agree with the person or they don’t agree with whatever we're doing, I don't feel that's the person to be workin' with, ok?  Simple.  Now it may have been detrimental to my position, but it would be more detrimental if I went futher with it, so the quicker I split the thing off, why the better it'll be. 

(Yesterday about Skip being  ....) be prolific in her mailing her great numbers?

(Yeah Bob.)

I'm gonna put you on her mailing list.  You'll never hurt for mail anymore.

(When I'm involved with Skip which I sometimes am, for short periods of time....)

Very short.

(Is it to her advantage - - I guess - - I'm seeing her as different.  There are many lovely qualities...)

Yeah, she's a sweet lovely lady.

(She's sweet and very talented, a very intelligent...she thinks she's really out to help everyone...)

Save the world.

(She wants to share what she has with everyone in the world....)

And she does.

(If I'm seeing only those qualities while I'm with Skip, I’m more likely not to experience.....)

….All the turmoil that you get.  There will be a little around the lady because she is one of those disturbed people; and she has all the motives that you can possibly find that are the greatest - - it's just that something is utterly confused, so she wants to share everything with the world; and what she wants to share with me, I really don't want much of.

(One night she called me and at some point I decided I think I will work with her.  So I talked with her for a while; and it was like the curtain went up for a short period of time.)

Yeah, very short.

(And she hung up like she didn't want to hear it; and later she called back and said, "Now what was that you said."  And I told her again and she listened for a while, but then all of a sudden it was like the curtain went down again.  So it is something was there that responds...)

And like in the three heads, the one in the middle would like to do something about it, but the other two have total control right now.

(It's pretty.........)

When she sends a letter, one of 'em writes up this way on the page and other one writes down this way, ok?  They even write on different slants, the two of 'em do.  And you can tell that that this one writes this and this one writes this.  This one will go over here and writes maybe a half of a sentence - - very seldom is it a completed sentence.  And then the other one gets a’hold of it and comes back down here at another slant.  And the sentences aren't complete so it's a three-headed person. 

(I never thought of looking at it like that.)

So it's a three-headed person; and the one in the middle, if you could talk to it for a while, you can make some sense with it, but the other two are goin' around and one says a word and the other one jumps in and very seldom does one get the sentence finished before the other one takes over.  And then the writing jumps clear over.

(It’s a little strange; but now when I'm looking at her...)

By all means.

(I'm not going to say she's all these things............)

No, what you want to do is see the beastie. 

(Only look at what I want to see.)

Look at the one and try to talk to the one in the middle knowing that it's there and that there are kids outside throwin' rocks which is liable to interfere with the conversation, ok?  But try to talk to the one in the middle, ok?

(Right.  Now this can - - doesn’t necessarily have an affect, but it can have an affect.)

It may possible, and it may not - - I don’t' know.  One of these days she'll come out of it.  I've seen people go through those episodes before - - that too will pass.

(Where is somebody like that on the tone scale?)

Well, we had a little extra spot that says utter confusion; but no, she could be anywhere's on there - - one head will be on one, and one outside head will be on one and one will be on another is the usual thing.  So one head might be angry’ and the other one might be fearful or something like that; and I would say in that particular case that's where to two sit - - one sits on anger and the other one sits on fear; and when the angry one starts sounding off, the fear one jumps up and puts in an inhibition on it.  And when the fearful one gets going too much, the angry one gets up and hollers about it.  I think it's pretty well what you see.  This sentence over


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